RWCC Blue Plaque ride – Sat 15 June

Rotherham District Civic Society is one of many similar groups across the country which ‘encourage high standards of architecture and planning’ and ‘encourage the preservation, development and improvement of features of general public amenity or historic interest’. 

In addition to advising and petitioning the local authority on such issues, RDCS are local custodians of the Blue Plaque scheme which was established in London in 1866.

Rotherham’s first Blue Plaque was unveiled in 2012 since which time a further 26 plaques have been unveiled commemorating distinguished Rotherham residents and historic locations across the Borough.  Additionally, RDCS have identified a further 81 buildings or structures which are of architectural or historic interest.

On Saturday 15 June RDCS will celebrate National Civic Day with a programme of events celebrating how people collaborate and interact with the place where they live.  The day will include a poetry recital by local poet Ian McMillan, art exhibition, guided walks around the town centre and vintage bus rides.

Rotherham Wheelers will support the event by launching the Rotherham Heritage Cycle Trail, a 50-mile cycle ride around the Borough starting and finishing at Clifton Park Museum and incorporating many blue plaque locations and buildings of architectural or historic interest.  Members of other Rotherham area cycle clubs have been invited to join us on the ride which will be run as our Saturday club ride.

The ride is non-competitive!

Ride Details:

Meet location – rear of Clifton Park Museum, Clifton Lane, Rotherham

Meet time – 10:00 Saturday 15 June 2024

Start time – 10:30 Saturday 15 June 2024

Distance – 49.3 miles

Ascent – […]

By |2024-05-30T14:37:27+01:0029th May, 2024|Charity Events|Comments Off on RWCC Blue Plaque ride – Sat 15 June

RWCC Social and Presentation Evening

This year’s club social and presentation evening will be at Sitwell Park Golf Club, Shrogs Wood Road, Rotherham, S60 4BY on Friday 24 November 2023 from 7:00pm onwards.

Food will be served at 8:00pm and the following menu choices are available:

Steak pie, chips and peas
Fish, chips and peas
Vegetarian option – most likely vegetarian pie, chips and peas

The cost per head will be £14.50.

Members wishing to attend are asked to confirm numbers attending, menu choices and make payment for meals by Sunday 5 November 2023.

Preferred method of payment is by bank transfer to the club account. Payment may also be made by cash or cheque payable to ‘Rotherham Wheelers Cycle Club’ to Dave Buxton 

By |2023-10-11T20:58:03+01:0011th October, 2023|Uncategorised|Comments Off on RWCC Social and Presentation Evening

Lapel badges for sale

Lapel badges for sale at £15.00 each. The Club is selling the three remaining lapel badges, bearing the insignia of the Rotherham Wheelers Cycling Club and made of metal. The badges are alike, although not identical (the fastenings on the reverse side of the badges are either pin fastenings or ‘button-hole’ fastenings). The precise age of the lapel badges is unknown, although it is estimated that they may originate from as long ago as the 1930s. The Club has been unable to verify the correct age of these items. The lapel badges have not been valued. Anyone wishing to purchase a lapel badge should contact the Club Treasurer. The money will be paid into Club funds.

By |2023-02-26T14:18:07+00:0026th February, 2023|Articles Wanted/For Sale|Comments Off on Lapel badges for sale

Wheelers 10 mile TT (Cuckney)

Many thanks to everyone who helped with our 10 mile TT at Cuckney yesterday. The event went smoothly despite a minor accident involving one rider and everyone involved was a credit to Rotherham Wheelers. Some fast times were recorded, but highlight of the day was 14 year old Lydia Turan knocking 32 seconds off the girl’s junior course record, so well done to her!
The injured rider was taken to hospital in Sutton in Ashfield but was not expected to be detained.
Once again, thank you one and all.

Dave Buxton

And checkout the race report here:

“Mapperley CC veteran Ian Guilor and Rebecca Lineker (South Normanton CC) were quickest male and females on time trial bikes at the Rotherham Wheelers 10-mile event near Cuckney in North Nottinghamshire on Saturday…………..  ”


By |2022-07-06T21:52:26+01:006th July, 2022|Competitions|Comments Off on Wheelers 10 mile TT (Cuckney)

Club rides restart

Some of you will already be aware that on 9 March 2021, British Cycling announced an update to their Covid advice under the ‘Way Forward Framework’, details of which can be seen on the below email.

As a result, the committee have decided that, barring further government announcements, club rides will resume with effect from Monday 29 March.
Club rides will initially be limited to a maximum of 15 riders (which is a good turn out for the Wheelers) who must adhere to 1M+ social distancing.  Additionally, riders must observe best practice in respect of hygiene, self – sufficiency and equipment sharing.
It is of course entirely up to each member to decide whether they are comfortable in returning to club rides and in making your decision you may wish to consider whether or not you have yet been vaccinated, your state of health and personal circumstances.  Nobody should feel under any pressure to take part in club rides unless they are completely comfortable in doing so.
Thankfully, I had my first Covid jab 5 weeks ago and should receive my second in the next few weeks, so, weather permitting, I will be riding on Monday 29 March and look forward to seeing you all soon.
By |2021-03-26T16:36:55+00:0011th March, 2021|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Club rides restart

Saturday Rides 2020 & 10 mile TT trophy winners

This has been a difficult and unusual year for all types of clubs and their members due to the covid pandemic and Wheelers is no exception. Accordingly, all rides have been adversely affected in terms of numbers for a large part of the year. A total of 22 weeks was affected by lockdown when no club rides took place including Saturday rides. This means that the maximum no of Saturday rides possible was 30.
In all, 29 members took part in the Saturday rides over the year.
There were 12 or more riders out on just 7 occasions (compared with 22 last year) and the most popular ride was on 7 December 2019 when 17 members turned out. Out of the 30 rides possible, there were no weeks where there was no turnout.

The results of this year’s Saturday Rides Trophy are as follows:-
In joint 3rd place – Hilary Dowling and Chris Last – 18 rides
In 2nd place – James Porter – 20 rides
In 1st place with 21 out of 30 rides – Steve Lee



This years 10 mile Time Trial winners are:

Chris Last – 23.14
Paula Fisher – 25.57






The 25 mile, 50 mile, 100 mile and 12 hour trophies will not be awarded this year because of disruption of the time trial programme due to Covid 19.


By |2020-11-05T18:28:26+00:005th November, 2020|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Saturday Rides 2020 & 10 mile TT trophy winners

Death of former RWCC member Brian Rudge

The club has been informed by Ellen Rudge – Tezcan, of the death of her father, Brian Rudge who was a former member of Rotherham Wheelers.
Brian suffered a stroke on 18 March and sadly passed away on 14 April 2020.  The funeral was held under Covid 19 restrictions.
When circumstances permit, the family intend to hold a memorial service and will notify the club in order that anyone wishing to attend may do so.
Kind Regards
David Buxton
By |2020-07-15T13:45:46+01:0015th July, 2020|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Death of former RWCC member Brian Rudge

RWCC – Centenary Events Update

After careful consideration the committee have decided to cancel the Centenary Social which was planned for Sunday 21 June 2020 and the Centenary Time Trial which was planned for Saturday 4 July 2020, both of which will be rearranged for suitable dates in 2021.
You will recall that at the start of the current lockdown, a decision was made together with Matt Porter of Sportive HQ to postpone our Centenary Sportive which was originally planned for Sunday 17 May 2020 until Sunday 13 September 2020.  That position remains unchanged, but this will be reviewed and a further announcement will be made in mid July as to whether the event should go ahead.
Regrettable though these decisions are and despite announcement of the government’s lockdown exit strategy yesterday, the committee feel that the situation is so unpredictable as to make planning impossible, that the possibility of social distancing restrictions still being in force can not be ignored and also that even when restrictions are lifted, many people are likely to lack the confidence to attend large social or sporting events.
I will be writing to all former members to inform them of this decision which will also be announced via the club Facebook page.
By |2020-05-12T14:47:37+01:0012th May, 2020|Uncategorised|Comments Off on RWCC – Centenary Events Update


Please be aware that as a result of the latest government advice concerning the Covid 19 emergency, it has been necessary to postpone our centenary sportive which was due to be held on Sunday 17 May 2020.

We now intend to run this event on Sunday 13 September 2020. This proposal will be kept under review in accordance with government advice.

It is still intended that our centenary social on Sunday 21 June and time trial on Saturday 4 July will go ahead, but this is a rapidly developing situation and the possibility remains that it may be necessary to re-schedule these events.

I will keep you informed of developments..

By |2020-03-27T21:19:01+00:0019th March, 2020|Uncategorised|Comments Off on RWCC – CENTENARY SPORTIVE POSTPONEMENT

Reminder – 2020 subscriptions & Centenary Social

This is a reminder to the 18 individuals who have not yet paid their 2020 club subscriptions that if you wish to retain your membership, subscriptions must be paid in full by 31 March at the latest.  Membership of persons who have not paid their subscriptions by this date will be regarded as lapsed in accordance with club rules.
May I remind you that membership may be paid by cash or cheque (payable to Rotherham Wheelers CC) either to me in person or delivered to my home address.  Alternatively you may pay by BACS to the club account details of which I will provide on request.
All members and many former members will have received an email from me about 2 weeks ago concerning our Centenary Social on Sunday 21 June 2020.  Attendance at the event is limited to 160 and indications are that it is likely to be over subscribed.  To assist with ticket allocation I did ask members and former members to indicate their ticket requirements by 22 March.  Current and former members will be issued 2 tickets free of charge and additional tickets may be purchased at £5.00 each.
There has been a good response from former members, but I have still not heard from the majority of members.
The committee and I have, and will continue to put a great deal of effort into organising our centenary events but we need your support.  If you haven’t done so already, please decide whether or not you wish to attend the Centenary Social and let me know your ticket requirements ASAP but by 22 March at the latest.
Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.
By |2020-03-29T10:06:14+01:0025th February, 2020|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Reminder – 2020 subscriptions & Centenary Social