After careful consideration the committee have decided to cancel the Centenary Social which was planned for Sunday 21 June 2020 and the Centenary Time Trial which was planned for Saturday 4 July 2020, both of which will be rearranged for suitable dates in 2021.
You will recall that at the start of the current lockdown, a decision was made together with Matt Porter of Sportive HQ to postpone our Centenary Sportive which was originally planned for Sunday 17 May 2020 until Sunday 13 September 2020. That position remains unchanged, but this will be reviewed and a further announcement will be made in mid July as to whether the event should go ahead.
Regrettable though these decisions are and despite announcement of the government’s lockdown exit strategy yesterday, the committee feel that the situation is so unpredictable as to make planning impossible, that the possibility of social distancing restrictions still being in force can not be ignored and also that even when restrictions are lifted, many people are likely to lack the confidence to attend large social or sporting events.
I will be writing to all former members to inform them of this decision which will also be announced via the club Facebook page.