The following document is available in pdf format RWCC-RA-amended-May-2024.pdf




Activity Hazard Who

is at


Risk level


Control measures recommend Residual risk


Y/N Action Person responsible
1.  Pre ride Equipment: Conditions, accidents Rider L ·        Cycles must be legal and roadworthy

·        Riders to carry out pre-ride checks, brakes, frame, steering, pedals/cleats, wheels & tyres

·        Tribars are not permitted on ANY club ride

L N Nil Rider
2.  Pre ride Equipment: Breakdown, stranded Rider M Cycles must be legal and roadworthy.  It is suggested that each rider to carry minimum tool kit comprising:

·        Method of inflating tyre/inner tube

·        At least one inner tube (2 recommended)

·        Two/Three tyre levers

·        Multi Tool with Chain splitter and Chain links.

·        Mobile phone and money/cash card

·        Contact Details of Ride Captain.

L N Nil Rider
Activity Hazard Who

is at


Risk level


Control measures recommend Residual risk


Y/N Action Person responsible
3.  Pre ride Equipment: Clothing-Visibility, Comfort, and safety


Rider M ·        Riders to assess weather and dress appropriately

·        Waterproof jacket/gilet to be carried when needed

·        Recommended high visibility clothing/jacket

·        Riders MUST wear approved safety helmets. These should not have sustained impact damage and should be changed at manufacturer’s recommended intervals.

·        Wearing of suitable eye protection is recommended

·        Riders are encouraged to fit mudguards during the winter months

If riding at night, ensure both front and rear lights have sufficient battery life for the ride and conform to BS6102/3 or equivalent EC standard.

L Y Met Office Weather Forecast Rider
Activity Hazard Who

is at


Risk level


Control measures recommend Residual risk


Y/N Action Person responsible
4.  Pre ride Equipment: Communication, stranded Rider L ·        Mobile phone or money for public phone to be carried

·        Riders to have ICE numbers either in the phone or on person

·        Riders to be familiar with route and be aware of where they are at all times

No risk N Route details will be available on Rotherham Wheelers Website and social media in advance. Rider
Activity Hazard Who

is at


Risk level


Control measures recommend Residual risk


Y/N Action Person responsible
5.  Pre ride Equipment: Food / drink Riders L ·        Familiarise yourself with distance of ride prior to attending meeting point

·        Riders responsible for ensuring they carry enough food/drink/energy gels for duration of ride

·        Carry money to purchase food/drink

No risk Y Briefing, giving length of ride distance and any stops

See point 9

Ride captain


Activity Hazard Who

is at


Risk level


Control measures recommend Residual risk


Y/N Action Person responsible
6.  Pre ride Preparation: Health Rider M ·        Riders to ensure they are aware of the distance/pace of the ride and are of sufficient level of fitness to complete ride

·        Riders to inform ride captain of any relevant health problem

·        Do not start any ride if you feeling unwell or you are not able to complete it.

·        Ensure any specific medication is taken on rides or any other first aid deemed necessary.

·        If during the ride you feel unwell, inform the ride Captain immediately

L N See point 4 & 5 Rider
Activity Hazard Who

is at


Risk level


Control measures recommend Residual risk


Y/N Action Person responsible
7.  Pre ride Group size/ Riders experience: Accident, traffic problems Riders & public L ·        Group to be split at ride captain’s discretion

·        Groups should be split according to ability and speed

·        Any new riders should identify themselves to the ride Captain and consideration should be given to allocating a ‘ride buddy’

·        Be familiar with the Highway Code (Rules 59 to 82) and particularly advice on where/when to ride two abreast or single file (rule 66). Always follow any instruction given by ride captain

L Y If Ride Captain not available,
Ride Captain should be chosen from regular experienced riders within the group
Ride Captain Rider
Activity Hazard Who

is at


Risk level


Control measures recommend Residual risk


Y/N Action Person responsible
8.  Pre ride New / guest riders Riders & public M ·        Any guest / new rider must introduce himself / herself to ride captain

·        Guest/new rider must be conversant with the Risk Assessment and acknowledge this document before participating.

·        Guest must hold a genuine view to join Rotherham Wheelers.

M Y Consider inviting a competent rider and club member to ride with guest. Member to advise on ride/club protocol during the ride (see also point 7) Establish if ridden as a guest before with Rotherham Wheelers with intention of joining the club and inform of need for own insurance. Rider
Activity Hazard Who

is at


Risk level


Control measures recommend Residual risk


Y/N Action Person responsible
9.  Pre ride Weather Rider M ·        Ride captain to review weather forecast prior to ride L N Consideration is given to adverse weather conditions and cancellation of rides. Cold Weather Policy (CWP) to be enforced if temperature falls to zero overnight and due to remain at +2C at 8am (referenced to Met Office for Rotherham area). If wind is shown at gusts of 40mph + between ride start time and 1pm or If CWP conditions are met then rides will be cancelled and notification to members via website at 2000hrs day before rides. Rider

Ride Captain

Activity Hazard Who

is at


Risk level


Control measures recommend Residual risk


Y/N Action Person responsible
10.  Pre ride Communication Rider M Ride Captain to undertake a pre-ride briefing for all riders to cover;

·        An overview of the route, any stops, likely duration, and distance

·        Any known route hazards, diversions, or other considerations

·        Any issue relevant to the weather (wind/frost/ice)

·        Check for presence of new members or guest

L N   Ride captain
Activity Hazard Who

is at


Risk level


Control measures recommend Residual risk


Y/N Action Person responsible
11.   Ride Collision/ Accident: Each other Rider M ·        Ensure bike is properly maintained

·        All riders to be conversant with the group ride calls, hand signals and warnings and ensure that these calls are passed along the line

·        Ride smoothly and consistently, be aware of those around you and do not brake without warning

·        Concentrate at all times and anticipate changing road conditions

·        Use of headphones, earphones, or earbuds for listening to music or making or receiving telephone calls whilst riding during club rides is discouraged due to reduced situational awareness (use of prescribed hearing aids or noise cancelling earpieces for medical purposes IS permitted).

·        When negotiating unforeseen road conditions (such as potholes) riders should be aware that their actions impact on others

·        Ride slightly to the side of the wheel in front and with sufficient safe gap if not confident/competent to ride immediately behind the wheel in front

·        Do not let your front wheel overlap that of the rear wheel of the bike in front

·        When riding two abreast maintain an even pace and do not speed up when another rider draws level (do not ‘half wheel’)

L Y Pre ride briefing to be undertaken (point 9 above) New/inexperienced riders to be identified and given ride buddy (experienced rider) where possible Ride Captain


Activity Hazard Who

is at


Risk level


Control measures recommend Residual risk


Y/N Action Person responsible
12.  Ride Collision: accident / riders & public Riders & public H ·        Riders will conform to the Road Traffic Acts and always follow the Highway Code

·        Riders will obey all traffic signals and signs

·        At times of poor visibility, wear bright clothing and if necessary consider using cycle lights in poor light conditions

·        All riders to continually assess traffic conditions, driver attitudes and carry out dynamic risk assessments (DRA), e.g.  dismount and walk/use a pedestrian crossing if you must cross a major road

·        Should the need to stop arise e.g., through puncture, breakdown etc. then a place must be found sufficiently off the road to allow safe passage of traffic

·        Consider using person(s) at strategic points to warn oncoming traffic of any obstruction.

·        Riders to warn of approaching vehicles using known calls

·        Use of headphones, earphones, or earbuds for listening to music or making or receiving telephone calls whilst riding during club rides is discouraged due to reduced situational awareness (use of prescribed hearing aids or noise cancelling earpieces for medical purposes IS permitted).

M Y Consideration be given to nominating a Ride Captain assistant during any ride to assist with control of the group

Report all near misses

Accident trend monitoring to be conducted

Ride captain

Ride Captain / Rider

Ride Captain / committee

Activity Hazard Who

is at


Risk level


Control measures recommend Residual risk


Y/N Action Person responsible
13.  Ride Accident: falling off Rider M ·        Always pay close attention to the road surface and dynamically risk-assess any changes identified. e.g. consider dismounting to cross a ford.

·        Be aware of the calls / warnings in relation to changes in surface such as potholes and use / pay attention to these warnings.

·        Only ride at a speed at which you are competent/confident particularly on descents.

·        Ice on the roads should be brought to the attention of the Ride leader immediately

L Y Should a club ride set off and there be a risk of ice then there should be a continual dynamic risk assessment of the conditions. Consideration should be given to; ( a) Call ride off
(b) change the route (c) Stick to main roads if they are clear of ice.
Ride Captain
Activity Hazard Who

is at


Risk level


Control measures recommend Residual risk


Y/N Action Person responsible
14.  Ride 3rd party claim arising from accident / mishap Club / Rider L ·        Rotherham Wheelers is affiliated to British Cycling & Cycling Time Trials and is covered by their corporate insurance

·        Members and riders are recommended to obtain individual 3rd party insurance cover from British Cycling / Cycling UK

L N Nil Club Treasurer


15.  Ride Theft of cycle Rider M ·        If possible, ensure that cycle is within sight during stops

·        In case of protracted stop, e.g., café stop, ensure cycle is locked to an immovable object using good quality / approved lock

·        Riders are advised to ensure that they have adequate insurance to cover theft of cycle

L Y Report theft to police Rider
16.  Ride Stopping Riders & public M ·        Always choose a safe place to stop as a group, in particular avoiding road junctions, bends and other road hazards

·        Warn riders before stopping and keep carriageway clear

·        In the event of punctures, breakdowns etc, clear carriageway if possible, or ride captain to instruct group to continue to safe waiting place

·        Assess problem and decide whether to hold up the ride or leave the affected rider with helpers and details of the route to the next stop(s).

·        If unsure of the route, stop well before junction to consult map. Check for presence of backmarker at junctions. If necessary, wait for slower riders beyond the junction

L N Nil Rider
Activity Hazard Who

is at


Risk level


Control measures recommend Residual risk


Y/N Action Person responsible
17.  Ride Passing horse Riders

Horse rider

M ·        On approach to horse being ridden or led, lead rider to alert person in charge of horse to presence of approaching cyclists, thereafter, to give horse wide berth and proceed slowly and with caution

·        Heed any advice given by horse rider. (Horses can be spooked by bikes, it is essential that the horse hears the human voice before it sees the bike).

L N Rider
Activity Hazard Who

is at


Risk level


Control measures recommend Residual risk


Y/N Action Person responsible
18.  Ride Cycle trails Riders & public M ·        Speed should be reduced on trails.

·        Be aware of debris, litter, and loose surfaces.

·        When approaching other users, reduce speed and give an audible warning of presence.

·        Dog or pet walkers may need extra time to control or distract their animal, therefore issue early warning

·        Be vigilant for wildlife on cycle trails

L Y See points 11, 13 & 16 Rider / Ride Captain
19.  Ride Event of accident Riders M ·        Group should be moved to safe position off road if possible

·        If required, take reasonable measures to control traffic

·        Administer first aid and alert emergency services if necessary

·        If injured cyclist is unable to continue, one of the group must stay with casualty until assistance arrives

L Ride Captain
Activity Hazard Who

is at


Risk level


Control measures recommend Residual risk


Y/N Action Person responsible
20.  Post ride ·        At end of the ride the Ride Captain will conduct a ride debrief.

·        Riders are encouraged to raise any issues or concerns

·        Any accidents, near misses or incidents of note to be brought to the attention of Ride Captain.

·        Any rider uncomfortable doing so may approach a committee member/club official privately or via official email channels.

Any accidents, incidents, or areas of concern to be reported to committee Ride Captain
21.  Junior riders / vulnerable persons Increased accident risk


Junior rider / vulnerable persons M ·        Junior riders (i.e., aged 10 – 17 years) must provide a signed parental consent form and be accompanied by a parent / responsible adult who is themselves a member of Rotherham Wheelers

·        Rotherham Wheelers does not currently have any junior members, but in event of a junior member joining, the club must appoint a responsible adult who must complete British Cycling approved training and DBS vetting

L Y Membership secretary to ensure correct documentation completed in respect of junior riders

Ride Captain to ensure that that junior rider accompanied by parent / responsible adult

Committee to ensure compliance with British Cycling safeguarding policy

Membership secretary

Ride Captain


Activity Hazard Who

is at


Risk level


Control measures recommend Residual risk


Y/N Action Person responsible
22.  Ride outside UK Increased accident risk due to unfamiliarity with road and traffic conditions Riders M ·        Riders to make themselves aware of Local Road regulations.

·        Familiarisation of any hired bikes.

·        Ensure familiar with Foreign Office Health and safety advice on Country visiting.

l N See points 1 – 19 Riders