Wheelers/Thurcroft Joint Medium Gear Event

Sunday saw the first of the Wheelers & Thurcroft joint events

It was a medium gear time trial between Ranskill & Mattersey


  1. Steve Viney – 24:41
  2. Philip Ozer-Key – 25:13
  3. Duncan Golgrave – 25:27
  4. Tim Lees – 26:38
  5. Dave Buxton – 27:00
  6. Nicholas Gordon – 27:32
  7. Clive Wallis – 27:33
  8. Mick Weaver – 28:23
  9. Chris Lawrence – 28:47
  10. John Smith – 30:32
  11. Glynn Brown – 30:35
  12. Hilary Dowling – 31:25

Well done and thanks to everyone who took part and acted as marshal’s