The following nominations have been received for this year’s John Atkinson Trophy:
Doug Manning
Dave Buxton
As previously circulated, the award will be decided by secret ballot to be held at the general meeting to be held at the Three Horseshoes public house, Wickersley at 19:00 Monday 13 November 2017 and the trophy will be presented at the Christmas Function / Presentation Evening on Friday 8 December 2017.
It is hoped that as many members as possible will attend the meeting and participate in the ballot.
If you wish to cast a vote, but are unable to attend the meeting, you may still do so by notifying me of your preferred candidate by email by NO LATER THAN 17:00 Monday 13 November 2017. I will ensure that all votes so received are printed and handed to the returning officer (Ian Wortley) for posting in the ballot box. Votes received after 17:00 will not be counted.
Kind Regards
Dave Buxton