Details of the 2017 Presentation Evening at the Carlton Park Hotel, Moorgate Road, Rotherham on Friday 10 February 2017 have previously been published on this website and Facebook and also circulated to members by email.
A non-returnable deposit of £100 has already been paid to Carlton Park from club funds and it is hoped that as last year, a minimum of 40 members and partners will attend the event.
The very last date on which I will be able to accept payment will be Tuesday 31 January (the date of the Annual General Meeting) as I will have to make payment in full to Carlton Park the next day.
I hope that as many members as possible will attend this year’s event, and am certain that some will definitely do so, but I have yet to receive any confirmed bookings and payments and this is becoming a source of concern.
If you intend to attend the Presentation Evening I would be grateful if you could confirm your intentions and let me have your payment at the earliest opportunity. It will make life much easier for me on the night of the AGM.
The cost of the event is £19.95 per head, price to include three course meal (three choices per course) plus coffee.
Payment may be made by cash or cheque (payable to Rotherham Wheelers Cycling Club) either in person or delivered to my home address, 10 Gillott Lane, Wickersley, S66 1EH. Alternatively payment may be made electronically to the club account (details available on request). If you choose to pay electronically, please confirm your booking with me by email.
Please notify me of any special dietary needs with your order.