This year’s Rotherham Wheelers Christmas function will be at the Three Horseshoes public house, Bawtry Road, Wickersley and has been provisionally arranged for Friday 8 December 2017. This decision was made following consultation with the membership and was passed at the last club General Meeting held on Monday 14 August 2017.
The Three Horseshoes has a private function room and a local reputation for providing excellent home cooked fare at affordable prices.
At our last meeting, a majority of members present voted in favour of combining this year’s Annual Presentation Evening with the Christmas function. Given that catering costs at the Three Horseshoes are considerably less than at the venue of last year’s Christmas event and (separate) presentation evening (Carlton Park Hotel) and that the events are now combined, this year’s celebrations will be more affordable and it is hoped, better attended by members.
The Three Horseshoes can cater for a maximum of 50 people for a sit down meal or 100 for a buffet. The type of food available on the night is therefore dependant on numbers attending. For your information, the cost will be £15:00 per head based on either a 3 course seasonal meal or buffet.
I have to pay a deposit to confirm our booking by October, but before doing so I need an indication of numbers attending and a deposit of £10:00 per head.
All members are asked to decide whether or not you wish to attend this year’s combined Christmas function / Annual Presentation Evening. I would be grateful if you could confirm your intentions and let me have a deposit of £10:00 per head by Saturday 30 September.
Payment may be made by either cash or cheque payable to ‘Rotherham Wheelers Cycling Club’. If you prefer, payment may be made by electronic transfer to the club account. (Account details have been circulated to members or are available on request from me).
When I have confirmation of numbers attending a decision will then be made on the menu.
The committee hope that as many members as possible will attend the event and help to make it a success.